out of touch

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out of touch

更新时间:2024-08-20 01:31:45

英 [aut ɔv tʌtʃ]

美 [aʊt ʌv tʌtʃ]

out of touch基本解释



  • 网络解释

1. out of touch的近义词

1. 不联系,不接触:out of the question 不可能的;不必谈的 | out of touch 不联系,不接触 | out of work 失业;(机器)有毛病

2. 失去联系:keep in touch 保持联系 | out of touch 失去联系 | touch on 关系到,涉及

3. 脱离接触,失去联系:58.out of the question 不可能的,办不到的 | 59.out of touch 脱离接触,失去联系 | 60.over and above 在...之上;在...之外(还)


4. 与...失去联系:out of the question不可能 | out of touch与...失去联系 | I am out of touch with the present situation.我对目前的形势不甚了解.

  • 临近词
Actually, I've been out of touch with him since our first reunion after graduation.(事实上,自从我们毕业后的第一次聚会之后,我就和他失去了联系。)
He is out of touch with society.(他不接触社会。)
These are all so many shadows, flitting about, out of touch with the world.(这些都是众多飞来飞去的阴影,与这个世界没有关联。)
Edward was out of touch with his family.(爱德华与他的亲人失去了联系。)
Or, write an email to someone you've been out of touch with for a while.(或者,给一位长久失去联系的朋友写封邮件也是一个不错的选择。)
Well, I've been out of touch with most of my old friends, only one or two still drop me a line occasionally.(我已经和我的大多数老朋友失去了联系,只有一两个偶尔给我写信。)
But later they will describe a client pitch or a CEO meeting, where Mr. Wasserstein seemed out of touch.(但随后他们会描绘客户推介或CEO会议,沃瑟斯坦似乎不管这些。)
She is out of touch and does not always know what is going on in our office.(意思是她脱节了不知道我们办公室里发生了什么。)
Unfortunately, the people making the decisions are out of touch with the real world.(令人遗憾的是,制订决策的人不了解实情。)
I think he is out of touch with the real world.(我认为他脱离了现实世界。)
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